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Image:Silach.PNGStarkermann ist die Basisklasse für alle nachfolgenden militärischen Zweige, Kämpfe im Nahbereich. Er kann als Kämpfer den höchsten Schaden machen, und ist schwer gepanzert, er wirkt wie eine "lebendige Mauer". Wanderer kann die Klasse wählen Starkermann Es startet mit Stufe 9 und es endet, wenn der Charakter sich zwischen zwei Sub-Klassen in Level 15 entscheiden muss. Diese 3 Unterklassen sind; Jäger, Soldat or Krieger.

Zeichen Name Funktion Funktionsprinzip
Image:Parirovanie.png Gegenangriff With this skill athlete can defend enemy attacks in close combat and avoid receiving damage, if in his hands a weapon or shield. Ohne diese Fähigkeit kann ein Charakter Nahkampfangriffe nicht parieren.
Image:Obezoruzhivanie.png Entwaffnen Der Feind wird sofort entwaffnet und wird nicht in der Lage sein mit einer Waffe anzugreifen für einige Zeit. Disarm the enemy, denying the attack, requiring the use of weapons. Mobs get panic and try to escape from the character.
Image:Regen_zdorovya.png Gesundheits Regeneration Die Gesundheit des Kämpfers regeneriert sich schneller als üblich. Ohne diese Fähigkeit des Charakters regeneriert sich die Gesundheit beim Kampf langsamer.
Image:Light_Armor.png Licht Rüstung This ability allows the athlete to wear mail type of protective gear. Without this skill a character cannot wear mail armor
Image:Silniy_udar.png Mächtiger Schlag Strongman's attack caused a forceful damage, directly depended on the hero's power. Military attacking ability. Requires a melee weapon in the hands of the character. Damage depends on the strength of character. Striking current target.
Image:Battle_cry.png Kampf Geschrei The inspiring battle-cry increases the mobility of group members by 100. Military strengthens skills. Increases mobility for 15 mins - the attack power of your character, pets, and members of the group. The effect includes up to 5 friendly targets. Range - average.

The distribution of abilities on levels

At character level 9

  • Powerful Blow level 1 - Make the character strike powerfully, directly depends on the strength of character
  • Light Armor Level 1 - Allows you to wear mail protective gear
  • Health Regeneration Level 1 - Character regenerates health faster out of combat

At character level 16 (alone with the corresponding skills of a new class)

  • Powerful Blow level 2
  • Countering Level 1 - Increases the time parry

At character level 18 (alone with the corresponding skills of a new class)

  • War Cry Level 1 - Increases mobility of the group
  • Powerful Blow level 3

At character level 20 (alone with the corresponding skills of a new class)

  • Disarming level 1 - With a certain probability disarms the enemy
  • Retreat level 2

At character level 24 (alone with the corresponding skills of a new class)

  • Weakening level 4
  • Fire Sword Level 4

At character level 26 (alone with the corresponding skills of a new class)

  • Retreat Level 3

At character level 34 (alone with the corresponding skills of a new class)

  • Powerful Blow level 4

At character level 38 (alone with the corresponding skills of a new class)

  • Weakening level 5

At character level 42 (alone with the corresponding skills of a new class)

  • Powerful Blow level 5
  • Fire Sword level 5

At character level 48 (alone with the corresponding skills of a new class)

  • Powerful Blow level 6

At character level 52 (alone with the corresponding skills of a new class)

  • Fire Sword Level 6

At character level 54 (alone with the corresponding skills of a new class)

  • Powerful Blow level 7

At character level 56 (alone with the corresponding skills of a new class)

  • Powerful Blow level 8

At character level 58 (alone with the corresponding skills of a new class)

  • Fire Sword level 7
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